We’re are back at it and this time around we are giving you yet another opportunity to indulge in another seriously hardcore OVERDRIVE experience. From our humble beginnings OVERDRIVE has gained a reputation for bringing you enthralling driving experiences in some of the most exotic destinations within India. Each of these adventures is peppered liberally with challenges that test both man and machine. But here is your opportunity to be a part of these adventures and experience exactly what team OVERDRIVE normally does.
In the month of January join team OVERDRIVE as we take you on a winter drive experience in and around Gulmarg in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Gulmarg is India’s premier ski-resort and in the winter months gives us an opportunity of an entirely different nature. The meadows and streets that are lush green and colourful in the summer months are covered with a thick blanket of snow in winter. It's fabulous for those who love skiing and all sorts of winter sports. Yet it also presents a unique opportunity for a driving experience like no other.
Its not everyday that you get the opportunity to drive in slippery conditions like those that arise when the streets are filled with snow and ice. It’s a condition that exists only in the extreme northern reaches of our country. Along with a team of highly skilled drivers OVERDRIVE will impart all the knowledge we have to you, to drive on snow and ice.
Learn all the tips and techniques of driving in slippery conditions, understand how traction control systems can save lives, learn how to strap on snow chains, improve your reflexes and learn how to opposite lock and given the right circumstances, even execute a Scandinavian flick!
Expect temperatures below freezing, temperatures so low that the marrow in your bones freezes over. In this sub-zero condition the snow falls thick and fast, and it is not uncommon in Gulmarg to find snow banks 5 feet tall! It's also not uncommon to get stuck in a blizzard or in a whiteout where everything turns stark white.
In this you will be expected to drive some India’s best SUVs both in terms of luxury and capability. But luxury will only be yours for so long. You will be expected to step out and shovel snow out of your way as you drive along a preset route that we guarantee will make you desperate to be next to something, anything warm.
This is where the magnificent Khyber Himalayan Resort & Spa comes in. After driving for hours through the snow-covered roads, the centrally heated world-class resort and spa, which boasts a heated swimming pool as well as beautiful and snug rooms, will be a splendid break.
Clad in timber and stone, the luxury resort is spread over seven acres in a pristine pine valley and offers breathtaking views of the snow-topped Affarwat peaks. Moreover, you can have some of the finest skiing experience in Asia.
So what exactly are we driving? At your disposal will be the GL-Class and ML-Class SUVs. The GL as you will soon understand isn’t your average SUV, its off-road abilities are so impressive, on the winter test we worked on last year it did not need snow chains in the snow. The ML too has already rocked our senses in the Rann of Kutch. Those conditions were hot beyond belief but in the snow you will know just how this SUV is making waves globally. Yet both of these SUVs are extremely luxurious and will pamper you for those few seconds when team OVERDRIVE lets you warm your toes inside.
So we advise you to bring along something to keep out the cold and water, but we cannot guarantee it will stay warm and dry.
And while we can guarantee that things will get too tough for you to handle we also guarantee sights that will leave their imprint on your minds forever. Gulmarg in the winter is magical and it's your opportunity to weave some of that magic into your lives.
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