
Tokyo Motor Show 2017: Toyota Concept-i Walk vehicle for the sidewalk

Toyota has previewed the Toyota Concept-i Walk in the run to the Tokyo Motor Show 2017. The Toyota Concept-i Walk is part of the electric trio that includes the Toyota Concept-i and Toyota Concept-i Ride. However, unlike the other two, the Concept-i Walk is a personal mobility vehicles for one person and is primarily intended to be used on sidewalks. The Toyota Concept-i Walk has three wheels with a wheelbase variable mechanism, lowered floor, and a joystick-style steering function for simplicity of use by any user. The compact vehicle takes up only as much space as a pedestrian does while walking and rotates on the spot, claims Toyota. Toyota aims for the Concept-i Walk to be used by sharing services at sightseeing spots and similar locations.

If the Toyota Concept-i senses danger while driving, it will actively warn the driver and automatically take avoidance measures. The wheelbase mechanism variates with the front wheel extending in correspondence to its speed for stability. Toyota is aim for the Concept-i Walk's use in sharing services will benefit from use of the AI Agent to connect multiple such vehicles so they can be move in a row. Toyota claims a range 10 to 20km per charge on this personal EV.


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