
The Rolls-Royce SRH: Smallest Roller ever built

Rolls-Royce has unveiled one of its most unique and charitable projects till date, the Rolls-Royce SRH. The SRH has been developed by Rolls-Royce for one special customer - the day surgery unit of the St. Richard's Hospital in West Sussex, the hometown of Roll-Royce.

The children's department of a hospital handles anxious, scared or even depressed child patients before undergoing medical procedures. In this case though, Rolls-Royce has come to the rescue of the kids at their local hospital.


The Rolls-Royce SRH, aptly named for St. Richard's Hospital, is intended to be used by the child patients, to drive down to the operating theatre. Driving through the corridors of the paediatric unit with real-world-like traffic signs definitely seems like a great way to relieve the children from their stress before entering their surgery.

Sue Nicholls, paediatric matron at Western Sussex Hospital, said, "St. Richard's is very grateful to Rolls-Royce for this unique donation. We know children will love driving it, and in the coming years it will help turn a daunting experience into a more fun and enjoyable one for hundreds and hundreds of children."

The SRH is the smallest vehicle ever made by Rolls-Royce and is created from the ground-up. The interiors are characterised by the same finesse and attention-to-detail found on every Rolls-Royce car, with a two-tone steering wheel and seats perfectly colour-matched to the St. James red coach line.

The car is powered by a 24V gel battery and a top speed of 16kmph is achieved in seconds, but the speed setting is variable and can be limited to a more sedate 6kmph.

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