
BMW International GS Trophy 2018: Day 1 in Mongolia

Joshua Crasto Updated: June 02, 2018, 11:22 AM IST

It's been just under 24 hours in Mongolia and there's already so much to take in. A game of archery under the bright blue sky followed by a riders briefing with a crash course in first aid is how the morning panned out. However in the afternoon, the BMW team finally showed us our motorcycles and got us warmed up. We split into teams and were sent off into the countryside along with a BMW marshal who took us through the paces. From steep inclines to off camber riding, obstacle clearance and steep gradients, we were asked to get a feel for the motorcycle. It's important to understand the machine and be comfortable with it, said Jean Luc, who's one of the marshals that led us out. The final challenge was dry river beds and deep sand, ruts and gravel. You're taught to pick yourself up with each fall, and boy does it get harder each time. However it was as much fun as it was challenging. This though was just a teaser. Tomorrow a bigger ride awaits.

These R1200GS Rallyes have been specially prepped for this adventure with some really very functional bits and you could see why as your put the motorcycle through it's paces.

It's 10pm now and I am about to have a quick dinner with all the journalists from around the world. We have an early start tomorrow. It's day 2 of training and everyone is really excited. But what I'm really excited about is that Team India arrives tomorrow and the adventure will soon begin.

Here's a few things I learnt about the BMW GS Trophy today

1. There's a 180 people that will travel through Mongolia as part of the GS Trophy. This includes participants and support staff.

2. A total of 114 brand new R1200GS Rallye motorcycles are waiting to be flagged off

3. There are three paramedics, one riding a 1200Gs, one in the support car and another in a rescue helicopter

4. The GSTrophy circus will set up camp every night at remote locations and there's a full fledged IT team with satellite connection to be able to get the news out.

5. In Mongolia, people consider it rude to stand at the threshold of their main door.

6. The official language of Mongolia is Mongolia... just saying!

7. A Mongolian house is called a Ger.

To stay abreast with Team India's progress and to get latest updates from Mongolia, you can follow the International GS trophy 2018 here

Also see,

Team India hones their skills for the BMW GS Trophy 2018

We leave for Mongolia to ride alongside Team India at the BMW International GS Trophy 2018


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